October 19, 2015

  • The Road to 65, Mile 325: So Much the Better

    October 18, 2015, Prescott- I got in my start of the week workout, today, as tomorrow will be an exhausting day of catch-up at work.  I am almost where I need to be, on my job, to have established an identity for myself and to not feel the need to spend hours at the school, on weekends.  I also got an alarm clock, with a pied screen- each number is in a different colour.  The alarm is also a gentle buzz, which I prefer.  These are features that will make my winter wake-ups so much more pleasant.

    I still watch my favourite TV shows, a day later, on the computer.  I have a huge, big box TV, which is fading.  It will need to go to big box TV heaven, when my son gets here and can help me lift it off the stand.  I won’t get a flat screen, right away.  Other things are a priority.

    No hiking was done, this weekend.  Between the constant rain ( a blessing) and a long afternoon at work on Saturday, my agenda seemed ill-disposed towards leisure.  No matter, I will get in a goodly amount of time on the Prescott Circle and Black Canyon Recreation Trails, as well as in Sedona, between now and the Christmas holiday trip back East.  San Diego, over Thanksgiving, will also find me out in the fresh air, quite a bit.

    So, the last month or so, before pushing the 65 Button, will be not lacking in a spirited life.

Comments (6)

  • That is the one thing I don't miss about my husband teaching - all the time spent outside of class working on homework and lesson plans and examples and special presentations... He has much more free time now that he is working in industry.

  • I am glad you are getting the much needed rain.

  • @murisopsis: There is an upside to that, definitely. My wife was also a teacher, so we had a different set of circumstances. Now, I make time for ME, and still manage to do right by the children.

  • @ZSA_MD: Yes, indeed, and we hope for much more, to share with our suffering neighbours to the west.

  • @RighteousBruin: We would love to have some rain here too Gary. This morning it thundered something awful. But we got no rain.

    So much teasing!

  • @ZSA_MD: Oh, dear! The Heartland surely needs to get a good soaking. There is enough water to go around, it would seem, if the wind patterns cooperate.

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