July 29, 2014

  • An Eastward Homage, Day 16: Evening In Finisterre

    une 11, 2014-  I left Vannes fairly late in the morning, on that Wednesday. One last run down to Daily Gourmand, and I was set, nutrition-wise.  Arriving at the train station, I learned that there was no train to Brest, the port in western Brittany which was my destination for the day.  There was a bus, but I “probably missed it”.  I went over to Gare Routiere, anyway, and lo and behold, the bus was still there.

    We passed through some lovely places, en route to Finisterre (“Land’s End”, in French). The first was Landevert.




    I was able to catch a few glimpses of Lorient, which happens to be the site of an International Celtic Festival, the very week that I am writing this.





    A few kilometers later, came the lovely channel port of Hennebont.






    should certainly not be confused with its larger cousin,




    The latter is the home of a large museum of Breton culture, and is one of the more traditional centers of all things Bretagne, being the administrative center of Finisterre.

    After more lovely meanders through this exquisite region, I came to Le Rade, and Brest.





    I was lucky in my choice of hotels.  Bellevue is run by a very sweet family, who prepared breakfast for me, emportee, as I had to leave for the train to Rennes at 5 AM.


    They close the doors at 9 PM, though, so I made a relatively brief visit to Jardin de Port and to the Chateau de Brest.  The head of the Brest peninsular area, the mouth of Riviere Penfield, hosts a large French naval base, and the National Maritime Museum, in the same complex.  Nearby, there is also Tour Americain- built to commemorate the U.S. effort in World War I, for which Brest was of high significance.

    Here are views of Le Jardin de Port and of the port itself.







    As I came to the ramparts of the chateau, I spotted Tour Americain.





    The steps nearby take the visitor down to the bottom terrace of Jardin de Port.



    The Breton composer, Jean Cras, was born, and lived most of his life, in Brest.  His naval heritage, as well as his culture, framed the intensity of his music.  His memorial is here, at the west end of Jardin de Port.SAM_0425

    Now, for a few views of Chateau de Brest.









    Parts of this structure were built by the Romans.  The last section was the work of the great military strategist, Sebastian de Vauban, who tore down the Roman castellum and built a more solid tower, in 1690.

    The French have put up a cenotaph, in commemoration of the survival of the people of Brest, in two World Wars.



    I would focus more fully on the Chateau, if I ever get back to Brest.  I would also get over to Distrite Saint Marc- an isolated, but distinctive preserved neighbourhood.  This is as close as I got to St. Marc,on the late evening of June 11.



    The next day would be all Real World- courtesy of the still roiling French rail strike.  Brest, though, would carry on like clock work.



Comments (5)

  • I was surprised to see the Chateau de Brest again! I just finished a puzzle with the same vantage point as your 2nd photo. Before it was just a nice photo and now I can appreciate it in context! Thanks.

  • Enjoyed the 'trip' with pictures again. So many neat places in those European countries. I wonder sometimes, how borders can be open and cultures preserved at the same time? I don't think it can be easy. Over there, I'm told, they are once again going through the same kind of moments that happened before Hitler took over. :-(

  • There are a lot of similarities between the 1920's and now. The present back and forth between "Bulls" and "Bears" on Wall Street is a prime example. There is enormous pressure, on both sides of the Atlantic, to pull the world economy back into recession, so that the favoured few won't have to share prosperity with the masses. Thus, we will likely see a period of oppression, before those masses wake up, and we take back the planet, with God's help.
    On a more positive note, I will continue to share my experiences, one way or another, even if I end up hiding in the woods for a time. :)

  • You covered it very well. I wish I could have read this before my visit to Brest in 2007.

  • Brest and Amiens were my two stops concerned with World War I. Glad you enjoyed it, John.

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