December 5, 2015

  • Chennai

    December 4, 2015, Prescott- The kids and I did a lot of work, yesterday, so I went to bed early.  Today was also full, mostly with errands that a “day of rest” finds waiting.  My life has gone well this week, culminating with the news that I had passed the third and final examination, prior to my application for elementary certification, and likely continuance in my current position.

    Not so in the Indian manufacturing hub of Chennai, the Madras of colonial times.  It’s said that ten feet of water have submerged some parts of the fourth largest city in India.  Aerial photos show a series of islands, and the rain still comes.

    Chennai is becoming a real time poster child for climate change, even as the ministers of 150 nations continue their deliberations in far-off Paris.  It is a fair question to ask, whether there will be a recovery this time.  This is not a matter of histrionics or handwringing.  In too many cases, politicians, conservatives mostly, play the game of the perfect being enemy to the good.   We are now considering the immediate futures of 11 million people in Chennai, to say nothing of the 60 million between the twin megalopolises of Kolkata and Dhaka, nearly 1,000 miles to the northeast, Bangkok, further east, and the myriads of islands in the Indian Ocean and in the far-flung Pacific.  The good must suffice, and the perfect be built on it, eventually.  Paris has to produce concrete results.

    A popular American television program is presenting the scenario of 2 % of the world’s population disappearing, POOF!  Sounds like the alarm bells are far more real than the legislators gathered in Washington prefer to believe.

Comments (3)

  • congrats on passing your exam.

  • The seasons are shifting and the weather patterns are becoming exaggerated - very worrisome. I'm not sure what the politicos can do to reverse the trend. Perhaps it will take a global disaster that impacts those countries meeting to discuss the problem... On a cheerier note - Congratulations on passing the 3rd exam!

  • @MOMAmarymatthew: @murisopsis: Thanks, ladies. I am watching the increasing number of disasters with great concern. Many people think it's something that we ought ignore, since terrorism is higher on their agenda. I believe we need to pay attention to both- and to the rising problem of unemployed youth.

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